Ai Uehara

Alternative names 上原愛
Birthday 1992-11-12 (31 years old)
Hair color ,
Height 155cm (5.09ft)
Weight 45kg (99.21lbs)
Social Networks Twitter

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Ai Uehara biography

Ai Uehara is a Japanese model, YouTuber and former adult video (AV) idol. She was born on November 12, 1992, in Fukuoka, Japan, under the star sign Scorpio and with a blood type of O. She stands at 155 cm (5 ft 1 in).

Uehara began her career as an adult video idol in 2011 and quickly gained fame for her beauty and charm. During this time, she made numerous appearances in various AVs and also had a few small roles in American porn. She then went on to become a model and YouTuber, and while her content was once considered risqué, it has since become more family-friendly.

Uehara is now a popular celebrity in Japan and is best known for her role in the movie ‘The Room’. She has appeared in various TV shows, commercials, and magazines and is also a frequent guest on variety shows. She has even released her own line of clothing, accessories, and beauty products.

In recent years, Uehara has retired from the Adult Entertainment industry and is now focusing on her career as a model and YouTuber. She is still very active on social media and continues to promote her brand and share her exciting life with her fans. Her content is always interesting and relatable, and her followers love her for it. Uehara is currently living her best life and inspiring others to live theirs.

Porn videos featuring Ai Uehara